Short is an apt place to start. The Short Humour Site, who publish short humour (clue’s in the title) have brought out a compilation chapbook of their greatest moments. My short is included. It’s not cheap, but you can’t put a price on laughter. Well, you can: £4.16.
Kristin Hersh has two free downloadable albums of new material. She is a generous talent, and ever since I caught her laconic appearance at Cabaret Voltaire in May, I have been smitten. She has also trailblazed an ingenious ‘sugar daddy’ strategy to keep her actively recording and touring and is an inspiration to millions of struggling artists the globe over. This music is luscious.
Also, I’m shaking up my blog list, baby. If you’re coming to this blog following a very witty and incisive comment I made on your blog: hello there! I will assist you in your desire to dominate the world with giant squid-like flannels and inflatable concrete testicles. What do I mean? I don’t know. I have a deadline to make, I don’t have time for details!
Have a squidtastic start to February.